I Am Having Thoughts

We’re so glad you’re here. Whether your thoughts of suicide are active and intense or run more in the background, we’re a safe place for you to get them out of your head and share them with someone else. We won’t ever judge or shame you, and we don’t rush to hospitalize.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.” Maya Angelou

We work directly with your suicidal drivers – the pieces of your life that have you considering suicide. We create Safety Plans collaboratively with every patient and help you increase your support systems outside of therapy. We don’t want you to just stay alive, we’re here to help heal your pain and help you find a life worth living.

We care about you and have your safety as our utmost concern. We recognize that inpatient hospitalization can be great for those needing immediate stabilization, but we also know it can be a traumatic experience, especially for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks and for those who have been hospitalized against their will. You can talk about your suicidal thoughts openly and candidly with us, in fact that’s the very reason we exist. Our goal is to partner with you to give you the space and skills you need to mitigate and manage your suicidal thoughts so that you don’t need to go to the hospital. Your autonomy is important to us and we will do everything in our power not to take away your agency. If we recommend hospitalization, we work with you to find a place you are comfortable with, to help you understand the experience, to ensure that they have a place for you prior to your arrival, and to receive you after you’re discharged. We empower you to advocate for your needs while you’re in – but hospitalization is our last resort. You are the expert of what you need, and we are here to support you as you find a way to live through your suicidal thoughts.

Our practice was created for you.  You are the heart and soul of why we do this work.

Note: We are not a crisis center and are only available for same-day appointments on an extremely limited basis. We are outpatient only. If you don’t feel like you can keep yourself safe, reach out to your support system. If they’re not available, utilize one of the crisis lines at the top of this page, dial 911 for immediate assistance, or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.